
How do I get $KAWAII?

You will be able to yield $KAWAII daily by simply staking your Adult Kawaii NFT. Alternatively, you can play Poker Game for chance to earn additional $KAWAII! ( Staking Platform Announcement - SOON )

How do I get $KAFA?

You will be able to yield $KAFA daily by simply staking your Kawaii Factory Vol. 1 NFT. Staking Platform: https://kawaii-factory.floppylabs.io/

Staking by Rarity

The Staking yields are categorized by the rarity of the NFTs as follows: Rarity $KAWAII per day Common 5 $KAWAII Uncommon 6 $KAWAII Rare 8 $KAWAII

Epic 10 $KAWAII Legendary 12 $KAWII

How can I check Rarity?

After minting ( 15.10 ) you will be able to check your rarity with our Discord bot. Also we will add HowRare and MoonRank rarity.

Last updated